What is Freemasonry?
An established charitable institution based on ancient traditions, Freemasonry embraces ritual which encourages strong moral values, the benevolent activities of which benefit members and local, national and international communities.
Grenville Lodge was founded in 1880 and is located in the Buckingham University complex and meets eight times a year on the Second Wednesday evening in the months of October to May.
The Lodge currently has a membership of fifty, with most members attending on a regular basis.
Should you be considering whether you would like to become a member, the first and most important step is to satisfy yourself that Freemasonry is an organisation you really want to join. One of the most common misconceptions about Freemasonry is that you have to be invited to join, nothing could be further from the truth. There is absolutely no reason why you should not ask to join. In fact, that is the more correct procedure!